Pipe Operators

Coconut provides support for, and in many ways is centered around the use of the pipe operator and pipeline-style function application. The word pipelining is indicative of what these operators do: data processing elements and functions are connected in series with the output of one becoming the input of the next. This makes multiple function calls more readable and simpler to implement.

The different operators are:

(|>)    => pipe forward
(|*>)   => multiple-argument pipe forward
(<|)    => pipe backward
(<*|)   => multiple-argument pipe backward

Note: refer to the documentation for information about operator precedence and associativity.

Let's look at a function call in Coconut that uses pipe forward:

obj |> .attribute |> .method(args) |> func$(args) |> .[index]

Compare that to equivalent Python code:

func(args, obj.attribute.method(args))[index]

For a more concrete example, consider the following Python:

print(sum(list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, range(10)))))

With pipelines it's a lot easier and clearer to see what is happening and where the data is flowing.
This line of code filters out the even numbers on the interval 0 to 9, puts them in a list, calculates the list’s sum, and prints the result.

This is the same bit of code in Coconut:

((x) -> x % 2 == 0, range(10)) |*> filter |> list |> sum |> print

Notice the use of the multiple-argument pipe forward operator (|*>) to pass both the lambda and the list to filter.

Here, the order of the function calls is the same in the code as it is in the code’s description: filter, list, sum, and print. Coconut’s use of pipeline style allows operations to be written in the order that they’re performed, resulting in intuitive, readable code.
